Q7 – Listed building restoration – Barn Hotel special meeting questions

This is one of eleven questions posed to the prospective developer for the plans at the former Barn Hotel at our special public meeting on 23 October 2024.

Written answer

Given the importance of preserving the listed building at the heart of the site, how will the developer ensure that the restoration of this heritage asset is carried out to the highest standards and that it remains a valued community resource for generations to come?

Will any assurances be given that it will actually be completed, and not left unrestored once the new flats are built?

The conversion of the Listed Buildings is likely to be heavily conditioned to ensure the restoration and materials used are appropriate to it’s importance.

Our conversion proposals would be undertaken in accordance a building warranty providers standards (e.g. NHBC) so that a structural warranty can be provided

At present the listed buildings need a lot of work to secure their long term survival and restoration. The proposed conversion to dwellings alongside the wider redevelopment ‘unlocks’ the land value to be able to fund these restoration works. Hillingdon has been clear that these assets are the most critical part of the redevelopment scheme and all other works have been planned around their enhancement. We are expecting them to link the delivery of the new dwellings to the restoration works to ensure they occur concurrently and to the highest standard.

Special Public Meeting – 23 Oct 2024
Introduction & Welcome (3 min 43 sec)
Developer’s presentation: overview of plans (11 min 53 sec)
Q1 – Parking (2 min 14 sec)
Q2a – Access during construction (2 min 55 sec)
Q2b – Access after construction (2 min 50 sec)
Q3 – Consideration for deliveries (4 min 45 sec)
Q4 – Proximity to existing homes (3 min 37 sec)
Q5 – Design of new buildings (3 min 55 sec)
Q6 – Private amenity space (2 min 46 sec)
Q7 – Listed building restoration (4 min 51 sec)
Q8 – Affordable housing (2 min 46 sec)
Q9 – Environment and flooding (4 min 33 sec)
Q10 – New infrastructure (3 min 36 sec)
Q11 – Timescales (1 min 31 sec)
Public Q&A session (1 hour 1 minute)

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