Written answer
How has the developer addressed their obligation to ensure that the project contributes to local housing needs, particularly for key workers and with respect to affordable housing?
Extract from Planning Statement section 7
The application proposals have been viability tested to assess the level of planning obligations the scheme can reasonably sustain, including affordable housing provision.
The Financial Viability Assessment (FVA) concludes that providing a scheme of 100% private housing falls short of delivering a recognised acceptable level of profit, including any on-site affordable housing would only reduce this profit level further rendering the proposals unviable.
The reduction in viability can largely be attributed to the reduced density of development on-site which has been a necessary response to the on-site heritage constraints. The proposals have been design-led to establish the maximum, appropriate scale of development whilst prioritising and enhancing the significance of the listed buildings, as encouraged by all levels of policy and during engagement with the LPA.
As such, with the quantum of development proposed on this brownfield site, it is regrettably not viable to provide any affordable housing with the development. This policy conflict attracts negative weight in the planning balance which must be weighed against the planning benefits of the scheme including the provision of a range of market housing with a policy compliant mix of housing to best meet needs within the Housing Market Area
Special Public Meeting – 23 Oct 2024
Introduction & Welcome (3 min 43 sec)
Developer’s presentation: overview of plans (11 min 53 sec)
Q1 – Parking (2 min 14 sec)
Q2a – Access during construction (2 min 55 sec)
Q2b – Access after construction (2 min 50 sec)
Q3 – Consideration for deliveries (4 min 45 sec)
Q4 – Proximity to existing homes (3 min 37 sec)
Q5 – Design of new buildings (3 min 55 sec)
Q6 – Private amenity space (2 min 46 sec)
Q7 – Listed building restoration (4 min 51 sec)
Q8 – Affordable housing (2 min 46 sec)
Q9 – Environment and flooding (4 min 33 sec)
Q10 – New infrastructure (3 min 36 sec)
Q11 – Timescales (1 min 31 sec)
Public Q&A session (1 hour 1 minute)
Comments are closed.