Conservation Concerns

Paul Mitchell


The Great Barn, Ruislip

The Great Barn, Ruislip

Ruislip has a rich historic heritage including the historic Manor Farm site, a 13th Century church and a number of houses from the 15th Century onwards. It also contains a substantial Conservation Area preserving houses built in the early 20th Century, when the area was developed on “garden suburb” lines. The Manor Farm site comprises a 13th century Great Barn, a 16th Century Manor House, a 16th Century Little Barn and an early medieval Motte and Bailey. Further details of the Manor Farm site are shown here.

Conservation is about ensuring the protection of these assets, and preservation of the character of the area, for the benefit of current and future residents. Without continuous attention, a series of apparently minor alterations could, over time, result in the gradual but permanent damage to the heritage and character of Ruislip.


Hillingdon Council designate areas as Conservation Areas, or Areas of Special Character, based on a score against nine criteria relating to Townscape significance, Architectural significance and Historic significance. The council review conservation areas, in consultation with residents, stakeholders, local groups and other interested parties, and may from time to time extend existing areas, or designate new ones.

In summary, within Ruislip there are:

  • Two Conservation Areas (“Ruislip Village Conservation Area” and “Manor Way Conservation Area”). These are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.
  • Two Areas of Special Local Character (“Midcroft” and “Moat Drive”). These are a local designation, and include areas which contain elements of local character and identity that the council wishes to preserve.

Ruislip also contains:

  • An Archaeological Priority Area (Ruislip Motte & Bailey) covering Park Wood, Ruislip Lido and adjacent areas. Within this area are two Scheduled Ancient Monuments: the Motte and Bailey in the Manor Farm site, and Park Pale – an earthwork forming the boundary of the medieval deer park. These archaeological remains are an important and valuable local and national resource.

Of these the Ruislip Village Conservation Area contains most of the key historic and architectural assets. You can find out more about the Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings in Ruislip on the following pages:

Archaeological Priority Area (APA)

The area covered by the Ruislip Motte and Bailey APA is shown at the link below:

This collection of buildings and features is so important to the story of Ruislip that there is a special page on it:


There are several local voluntary groups who work together to help ensure the protection of the historic environment. These include:

  • Ruislip Residents’ Association
  • Ruislip, Northwood & Eastcote Local History Society
  • Ruislip Village Conservation Panel

All applications for new development and for alterations and extensions to existing buildings are considered by Hillingdon Council’s Planning department. In determining these applications, planning officers and Planning Committee members benefit from the local knowledge and relevant observations and recommendations provided by the groups mentioned above.*


Orchard’s Spitfire Memorial update

Further to our concerns about The Orchard’s Locally Listed Spitfire Memorial, we have heard from The Polish Air Force Memorial Committee, who say that they took the memorial down – for refurbishment.   Just before Christmas, the PAFMC gave this update and accompanying photographs: The Polish Air Force Memorial Committee has taken on the restoration of […]

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Visit the Lidl exhibition this evening

As a reminder, this evening (Monday 25th November), Lidl are exhibiting their proposals for a new supermarket on the site of The Orchard hotel and restaurant.  Please attend their exhibition to learn more: it is at the Ruislip Conservative Club on Ickenham Road from 17:00 to 20:00. We are concerned about the plans in their […]

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History of The Orchard in Ruislip

History of The Orchard in Ruislip – 1905 to 2024 The Orchard in Ruislip is an attractive building on a prominent site within Ruislip Village Conservation Area.  It represents the transformation of Ruislip during the twentieth century from a rural village known as King’s End to part of Ruislip a modern London suburb today. Ruislip […]

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The Orchard’s Locally Listed Spitfire Memorial Update

Ruislip Residents’ Association shares the concerns we have heard from residents regarding the locally listed Spitfire memorial and memorial stone at The Orchard site. Background The Orchard site previously housed a locally listed (LBH’s local listing 186 PDF) Spitfire memorial and memorial stone specifically associated with the location. Recent developments indicate the memorial and stone […]

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