Archive | Police

Street Briefing from Ruislip Manor SNT

We learned this morning that the Ruislip Manor Safer Neighbourhoods Team will be holding a Street Briefing between 15:00 and 16:00 outside Budgens on Victoria Road tomorrow, Friday 7th February 2024. We’ll be attending and will report back details of what we learn for the benefit of residents unable to attend at short notice and during […]

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OWL is to be discontinued: register with NWN now

The Police’s email communication system, OWL, will be discontinued at the end of October 2024. It is, for us, no more – it has fallen off its perch, and ceased to be. From November, our local police will use the national Neighbourhood Watch Network (“NWN”) system to manage membership and send messages. There is no automatic […]

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Safer Neighbourhood Panels

Each Council Ward has a Safer Neighbourhood Panel comprising representatives from our local communities and the local Safer neighbourhood Police team( headed by a Police Sergeant). The Met are looking to widen participation in the panels to include such as local businesses, youth and residents’ representation. If you are interested in becoming a member of […]

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Phone Call and email message scams

Just a reminder about telephone call scams that are prevalent at the moment and are 100% fake! Phone call scammers use equipment that makes it look like they are calling from a genuine number! First – alleged calls from Virgin media asking if your broadband has been slow! This is a favourite at the moment […]

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