Be aware of the current spate of ‘traffic warden scams’

The police report through the Neighbourhood Watch news system that they have seen a spate of people being approached when parking across Hillingdon, particularly when using disabled parking spaces. A male approaches, pretending to be a traffic warden and convinces the victim that he is a traffic warden and they need to pay for parking.

If the victim has used a machine, he tells them that their payment has not been authorised and they need to pay him directly. He has what looks like a card machine with him and watches the victim enter their PIN. He then takes the card from the victim and runs off, later using it to withdraw cash.

Genuine Hillingdon Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO) uniforms

Genuine Hillingdon Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO) uniforms


All traffic wardens working for Hillingdon Council wear a green uniform and do not take any payment directly. Blue badge holders do not pay for parking in a disabled bay or in other parking spaces. Please refer to your Blue Badge Handbook or check online.

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