Warrender School Hosts NCS Challenge Students

The national Citizen Service Challenge is a project funded by the government to promote social integration among young people from 15 – 17 years of age. For between £35 – £50 it provides an amazing four week challenge for students who have just completed their GCSE, AS or A level examinations to learn new life skills and face new challenges as well as having something of extra interest to add to their UCAS application.

The group who visited Warrender School on Wednesday, July 13th, for their community project were local students who came from diverse backgrounds (English, Indian, Somalian, Vietnamese and Hungarian) who had learnt to live and work together. Their Senior Mentor was Ashish who played a pastoral role and who had previous experience of community projects. While in the sixth form at Nower Hill School in Harrow he was part of a group of young volunteers who helped to build a home for orphans in Romania. Currently he is studying medicine at St George’s University.

National Citizen Service students at Warrender School

National Citizen Service students at Warrender School

The group was in their third week which focuses on community projects. Their challenge was to create a more welcoming and pleasant outside environment for the Warrender pupils. During the morning they were hard at work sanding down the school’s picnic tables/benches which they were to paint in bright multi-colours. In the afternoon they were planning on working on the school’s allotment where the pupils grow their own vegetables to help promote healthy eating. Unfortunately the summer rain put an end to that part of the project!

All the students spoke enthusiastically about their NCS Challenge experience and said that they would definitely recommend it their peers.*

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