Just a few reminders from Ruislip police!
Thieves and pickpockets appear to be operating on Ruislip High St. The police advice is to wear bags/handbags etc facing inwards to your body – they are easy targets for theft if they are slung over your shoulder or on your back facing backwards. Never leave bags unattended in a shopping trolley/ basket/ back of a pushchair either! Don’t carry valuables in outward facing pockets of rucksacks. If using a wheelchair or motorised scooter keep valuables in front of you not slung on the back. If you have a laptop or briefcase – keep it where you can feel it, not on the back of a chair or just down on the floor. If you do place it on the floor keep your feet in touch with it.
Crime Prevention stalls;
Santander 13/6/18 between12 noon and 1pm
Boots 15/6/18 between 12 noon and 1pm
Nat West 20/6/18 between 11am and 12 noon
J Sanders 26/6/18 between 2.30 and 3.30 pm.
Surgeries with a PCSO;
Waitrose 9/6/18 between 5 and 6 pm
McDonalds 13/6/18 between 2 and 3 pm
Waitrose 18/6/18 between 1 and 2 pm
McDonalds 30/6/18 between 2 and 3 pm.
Finally – Coffee with a Copper;
Costa Coffee 22/6/18 between 11 and 12 noon
Cafe Nero 27/6/18 between 10 and 11am.
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