This is my monthly update for April 2018, covering planning matters in the Conservation Areas and Areas of Special Local Character within Ruislip.
1. New Planning Applications and Appeals.
New Planning Applications reported on LBH website in April:
41912/APP/2018/792 9 Eastcote Road (CAB site) Application for planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area to allow demolition of the single storey detached office building occupying the site. Submitted 01-03-18.
69986/APP/2018/1023 34 Ickenham Road Two storey side extension and part two storey, part single storey rear extension involving demolition of existing garage. Submitted 16-03-18
20611/APP/2018/1049 135 High Street (Bedfords) Single storey rear extension. Submitted 20-03-18
73682/APP/2018/1073 24 Midcroft Single storey side extension including demolition of existing store, porch to front and changes to rear fenestration (Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for Proposed Development). Submitted 21-03-18
68118/APP/2018/1187 16 Manor Road Single storey rear extension, conversion of roof space to habitable use to include 2 rear dormers, 2 front roof lights and single storey detached garage to side involving removal of exiting garage and conservatory (Resubmission). Submitted 04-04-18
28388/APP/2018/1303 178-182 High Street (RSPCA) Change of use of part of ground floor from Use Class A1 (Shops) to Use Class A2 (Letting Office) including alterations to front and side elevations. Submitted 06-04-18
73728/APP/2018/1327 128D & 130D Manor Way Raising of roof to add 2 x studio flats, ground floor infill extension, single storey front extension and conversion of 2 x 1 bed flats to 2 x studio flats. Submitted 09-04-18
53974/APP/2018/1380 101 & 103 Manor Way Single storey rear extension, alterations to elevations and change of use from use class A1 to use class B1(a). Submitted 13-04-18.
New Appeals:
2. New decisions taken on Planning Applications and Appeals
Planning Applications Approved:
10105/APP/2018/181 Ruislip Telephone Exchange, High Street Installation of replacement lattice stub tower supporting headframe supporting 9 antennas and transmission dish and ancillary apparatus, removal of 2 pole mounted antennas all on rooftop of building, and installation of ground based equipment cabinets (removal of existing redundant cabinet) and ancillary apparatus.
Planning Applications Refused:
33389/APP/2018/469 Jebsen House, 53-55 High Street Erection of rooftop extension providing 9 units residential accommodation plus facade alterations to second floor.
60079/APP/2018/597 21 Bury Street Conversion of roof space to habitable use to include a rear dormer, side dormer and 1 x rear roof light.
64711/APP/2018/631 3 Pembroke Road Conversion of roofspace to habitable use to include 1 x rear rooflight, 1 x front rooflight and 3 x side rooflight to create 1 x 1 bed self contained flat with associated amenity space.
Appeals Allowed or Dismissed:
3. Other Planning Applications and Appeals with decision pending
2089/APP/2017/3203 52 Kingsend Two storey rear extension, conservatory to rear and conversion of existing attached outbuilding to habitable use involving alterations to elevations. Was due 15-11-17
28388/APP/2017/4376 178-182 High Street (RSPCA, previously Quilters) Details pursuant to condition No. 5 (sound insulation) of the recent successful Appeal for an application for “First and second floor rear extension, conversion of roofspace to habitable use to include 3 x front dormers, 4 x side dormers and change of use from Use Class A1 (Retail) to Use Class C3 (Residential) to create 6 x 2-bed and 3 x 1-bed self-contained flats, balustrade to rear to from communal terrace and alteration to bin/cycle storage”. Was due 30-01-18
71235/APP/2017/4636 111 High Street (Jurassic Perk) Change of use from Use Class A1 to Use Class A1/D2. Was due 13-03-18
50068/APP/2018/342 115 High Street (Ruislip Tandoori) Details pursuant to discharge conditions Nos. 3 (Materials), 5 (Noise and Odour Report) and 6 (Noise Levels) of planning permission Ref: 50068/APP/2017/2063 dated 24/08/2017 (Change of use from restaurant (Use Class A3) to a hot food takeaway (Use Class A5) and associated external alterations, including installation of ventilation and extraction equipment). Was due 02-04-18
14756/APP/2018/752 34 Kingsend Installation of canopy to side. Due 04-05-18
14756/ADV/2018/12 34 Kingsend Installation of 1 x fascia sign and 2 x standing signs. Due 03-05-18
14756/APP/2018/751 34 Kingsend Erection of a detached shed to rear. Due 04-05-18
41912/APP/2018/792 9 Eastcote Road Application for planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area to allow demolition of the single storey detached office building occupying the site.
52484/APP/2018/836 13 Midcroft Conversion of roof space to habitable use to include a rear dormer, 2 x front roof lights and conversion of garage to habitable use involving alterations to front elevation. Due 11-05-18
30590/APP/2018/926 17 Croft Gardens Single storey rear extension including installation of 2 roof lights and alterations to existing garage/store roof. Due 07-05-18
20313/APP/2018/963 5 Bury Street Single storey side extension. Due 16-05-18
4918/APP/2018/738 2 Midcroft Demolition of existing petrol station plus removal of tanks and erection of a four storey building containing 9 residential units. NB Revised plans submitted. Due 04-06-18 (was 24-04-18)
Current Appeals:
12519/APP/2017/3971 (Appeal 8427) 2 Sharps Lane Variation of condition No.10 (Approved Plans) of Secretary of State’s Appeal Decision ref: APP/R5510/D/17/3172956 dated 25/07/2017 (LBH ref: 12519/APP/2016/3412 dated 13/09/2016); Two storey side/rear extension and single story side/rear extension. Lodged 12-01-18
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