Planning Applications Submitted within Ruislip Conservation Areas – February 2024


Ref Address Application Date of Application
14226/APP/ 2024/181 54 High Street (Barclays Bank) Removal of existing external signage and branding, projecting sign, fascia signage and branch nameplate. Removal of CCTV camera and car park signage. Removal of ATM/ ATM light, existing night safes metal plate. Existing aperture to be infilled with brickwork to match the existing. Existing letter box to be sealed internally and removal of internal counters, furniture and modern glazing walls and glazing door. 23/01/2024
7723/APP/ 2024/171 Ruislip Police Station, The Oaks Rebuilding of the Annex building first floor, including new windows and associated panels, solar panels and an associated fall protection system (revised description) 23/01/2024
50068/ADV/ 2024/7 115 High Street

Burger King

Installation of 2 internally illuminated fascia signs, 1 non-illuminated aluminium tray, 1 externally illuminated facia sign. 02/02/2024
33389/ADV/ 2024/8 Jebsen House, 53-55 High Street Installation of 1 internally illuminated fascia sign and 1 internally illuminated hanging sign. 05/02/2024
33389/APP/2024/286 Jebsen House, 53-55 High Street

Ruislip Food Centre

Ground floor shop front to be brought forward to remove inset. Installation of an access ramp to the entrance and shutters to the front and rear. Installation of condenser units to the rear elevation, fascia sign and new projecting sign. Internal alterations to accommodate retail shop (Class E). 05/02/2024
78575/TRE/ 2024/38 7 Deborah Crescent To fell One Lawson’s Cypress, T7, TPO 307 14/02/2024
17859/APP/2024/392 14 Kingsend Erection of a single storey rear extension


78588/APP/2024/417 16 North Drive Erection of a 1-storey rear infill extension and window to side elevation.(Appl for a CLD for a Proposed Development) 16/02/2024
3546/APP/2023/3334 51 Kingsend Erection of a part single storey and part double storey side and rear extensions. Amendments to the first floor front fenestration. 19/02/2024
29504/APP/2024/427 15 Manor Road Erection of a two-storey side and rear extension 19/03/2024
854/APP/2024/447 25 Manor Road Erection of an outbuilding to the rear garden, following the demolition of existing outbuilding and shed 20/02/2024
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