On Friday,26th of January some of Lady Bankes Primary School’s Green Team set off for a litter pick around their local area to clean up their surrounding environment.
The keen Eco Ambassadors have made a pledge to clean up their local streets, to ensure their environment is not only kept tidy for themselves, but also their community and the wildlife inhabiting the area. This is an ongoing initiative that will continue with all the Green Team members involved throughout the year.
Below are some comments from the pupils:
“This was not only fun, but helped our streets look cleaner,” said Amrit.
“It was surprising to see how much litter we collected,” said Aahid.
“It’s tricky to use the litter pickers but I am now getting the hang of it” said Ben.
This project carries on from their successful “plastic free packed lunches” scheme which saw children rewarded with raffle tickets and prizes when their packed lunches contained no single use of plastic.
This illustrates how hard the Green Team at Lady Bankes Primary School work to ensure a safe and clean environment for all, for which they are to be congratulated.
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