Harrow Choral Society’s Autumn Concert ‘Draw on, sweet night’
As the days shorten Harrow Choral Society hopes to capture the autumnal mood with an
early evening concert entitled ‘Draw on, Sweet Night’ at St Alban’s Church, North Harrow.
The 80-strong choir will sing a varied programme of songs from the 16 th to the 21 st
centuries on the theme of autumn and the lengthening nights under the baton of Music
Director Sam Evans and accompanied by composer and arranger Paul Ayres.
Parish Church of St Alban, The Ridgeway, North Harrow HA2 7PF
Saturday 19th October 5:30 – 6.30 pm
Tickets: £15, under 18s £2
07794 253463
Next Concert: A Christmas Celebration – Saturday 14th December, Harrow School
Speech Room HA1 3HP
We are delighted to welcome Simon Williams (Justin Elliott in the BBC’s The Archers) as
our Guest Reader
All details on www.harrowchoral.org
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