National Serious Patient Safety Incidents: Drawing on lessons from the airline industry, the September Health Service Safety Investigations Bill set up the Heatlh Service Safety Investigations Body. independent of the NHS and at arms length from government, with far reaching access to investigate serious safety incidents or risks to patient safety. London London Ambulance Service: […]
Author Archive | Joan Davis
September 2017 Health Update
National Issues Review of health systems: A US think tank, the Commonwealth Fund, has compared health services in 11 countries including the US, Canada, Australia France and Germany, ranking the NHS top overall, praising its safety, affordability and efficiency – although it was less effective in preventing early death and in its cancer outcomes. This […]
December 2016 Health Update
National and Regional Issues National online survey for dementia patients diagnosed in last two years and their carers: This notes experiences of diagnosis, support and awareness. It is open until 31st January 2017. London Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: This service currently has higher waiting times than planned despite increased investment. This affects achievement […]
November 2016 Health Update
National Issues Nursing Home beds: Profit margins have reduced, compounded by the impact of the national living wage – the number of beds has reduced and no longer meets demand, the whole health and care system suffers – more emergency admissions to A&E, more delays in hospital discharge etc. Training places for doctors: The number […]