Uxbridge College Students’ Experience Of A Lifetime In Prague

Students had the work experience of a lifetime after travelling to Prague as part of the Erasmus Programme. This scheme provides free movement and education exchange between registered universities and institutions for eligible students. The Turing Scheme has been launched to replace the Erasmus programme in which the UK can no longer participate having left the EU.

Following a highly competitive interview process, the college’s Computing and IT students spent three weeks on a placement in the Czech capital, Prague. As well as working with a range of Tech companies they were able to tour the city to learn about its history, architecture and art.

In the workplace tasks included working with social media ads., VR and content production, as well as networking with professionals.

Some comments on their experience by students include: ” A must-have experience for every student”; “Amazing” and “Sensational!”.                           

Students in Prague

The college will continue to provide overseas work experience opportunities, including placements for 80 students from across the college in 2022-23 under the new Turing scheme which will carry forward any remaining funding for the previous scheme post Brexit.

To find out more about the college’s Computing and IT courses visit: http://ow.ly/jo71501OEHW

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