Uxbridge College is working with Barnet & Southgate College to deliver a project to residents of West London boroughs. GOLDD Project – Great Opportunities : Learning Difficulties and Disabilities – is funded by the European Union Social Fund to support young people aged 16-24 who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and who have a learning difficulty and/or disability. The purpose of the project is to help these young people find a way back into education, employment or training through information, advice and guidance from a named Caseworker.
The education and training will be delivered by Uxbridge College if there is a suitable pathway available. Other providers may be used where appropriate training is available on a case by case basis. Each young person will have an Individual Learning Plan where Actions will be agreed and reviewed at least every three months. Caseworkers may be contacted at any time between 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday.
Anyone who might be interested should contact : Giles Strachan, Uxbridge College, Hayes Campus, College Way, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 3 BB.
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