Harrow College part of the merged (HCUC) has created four new qualifications which have now been adopted by thirty four colleges nationally. Uxbridge College now delivers the courses to all part-time day classes.
The courses, under the banner of Living and Working in the UK, enable ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students to combine learning language skills with essential knowlege and experience.
Spearheaded by Therese Lorphevre, Harrow College’s Head of English, ESOL and Maths, the qualifications were developed in partnership with the awarding body Gateway Qualifications. The programme achieved national accreditation via Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) and has been running at Harrow College since 2017.
Many ESOL students have high-level qualifications from overseas but benefit from learning more about UK cultural norms, including around citizenship, education, work and social structures.
For more information about the qualifications go to: https://www.gatewayqualifications.org.uk/qualification/gateway-qualifications-entry-level-uk-entry-level-award-living-working-uk-entry-2/
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