Conservation Planning Update for May 2019

This is my monthly update covering May, listing planning matters in the Conservation Areas and Areas of Special Local Character within Ruislip.

 1. New Planning Applications and Appeals.


New Planning Applications reported on LBH website:


Ref Address Application Date of Application
74017/APP/2019/1433 100 Manor Way Single storey side/rear extension and part garage conversion. 29-04-19
74793/TRE/2019/100 8 Monarchs Way To carry out tree surgery, including the removal of lower branches (up to 2m above garage roof) over drive and garage of 8 Monarch’s way, to one Ash, T10 on TPO 513. 01-05-19
10410/APP/2019/1476 102 Sharps Lane Single storey rear extension including alterations to rear elevation (Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for a Proposed Development) 03-05-19
36829/APP/2019/1497 114 Sharps Lane First floor rear extension and conversion of garage to habitable use to include altertaions to front and side elevation. 07-05-19
49229/APP/2019/1572 39 Croft Gardens Single storey rear extension and conversion of garage to habitable use to include alterations to front elevation, involving demolition of existing conservatory. 10-05-19
49229/APP/2019/1573 39 Croft Gardens Conversion of garage to habitable use to include alterations to front and side elevations. 10-05-19
74330/APP/2019/1630 4 Pinn Way First floor rear extension (Resubmission). 15-05-19
65397/APP/2019/1778 30 Eastcote Road  Single storey rear extension and conversion of roof space to habitable use to include a side and rear gable ends with gable end windows (Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for a Proposed Development). 28-05-19


New Appeals:




2. New decisions taken on Planning Applications and Appeals


Planning Applications APPROVED:


Ref Address Application Date of Decision
74793/TRE/2019/100 8 Monarchs Way To carry out tree surgery, including the removal of lower branches (up to 2m above garage roof) over drive and garage of 8 Monarch’s way, to one Ash, T10 on TPO 513. 20-05-19
74449/APP/2019/1102 26 Ickenham Road Conversion of garage to habitable use to include alterations to elevations (Resubmission) 22-05-19
3317/APP/2019/632 63 High Street
(Nat West bank)
Removal of 1 ATM and reinstatement of elevation with internal blockwork and painted render to match the existing elevation. 29-05-19
74735/APP/2019/1168 84 Manor Way Single storey rear extension 30-05-19


Planning Applications REFUSED:


Ref Address Application Date of Decision
67681/APP/2019/26 22 Manor Road Part two storey, part single storey rear extension and addition of side dormer 03-05-19
69063/APP/2019/912 7A Manor Road Conversion of roof space to habitable use to include 3 rear dormers and conversion of roof from hip to gable end to both sides 10-05-19
18888/APP/2018/3581 16 Wood Lane Single storey front/side extension 13-05-19
56958/APP/2019/1161 8 Brickwall Lane Single storey side/rear extension, single storey rear extension and single storey side extension, involving alterations to rear elevation and demolition of existing garage (Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for a Proposed Development) 13-05-19
45519/APP/2019/941 42 Wood Lane First floor rear extension and alterations to rear elevation 22-05-19




Ref Address Application Date of appeal decision
60079/APP/2018/3617 (Appeal 8797) 21 Bury Street Conversion of roof space to habitable use to include a rear dormer, a side dormer and 1 rear roof light 13-05-19




Ref Address Application Date of appeal decision
73728/APP/2018/2718 (Appeal 8754) 128D & 130D
Manor Way
Raising of roof to add 2 x studio flats, ground floor infill extension, single storey front extension and conversion of 2 x 1 bed flats to 2 x studio flats. 29-05-19



3. Other Planning Applications and Appeals with decision pending


Current Applications:


Ref Address Application Date Decision Due
1244/APP/2019/1020 53 Pinn Way Part two storey, part single storey rear extension and 2 x single storey side extensions 20-05-19
25113/APP/2019/302 45 Pinn Way Single storey rear extension, involving demolition of existing conservatory 28-05-19 (was 29-03-2019)
54441/APP/2019/1249 6 Kingsend Conservatory to rear 06-06-19
19233/APP/2019/1061 28 King Edwards Road Single storey side extension (Resubmission) 12-06-19
47300/APP/2019/1368 6 King Edwards Road First floor rear extension and conversion of garage to habitable use to include alterations to front elevation 18-06-19


Current Appeals:


Ref Address Application Date lodged
63191/ADV/2018/41 (Appeal 8682) Footpath fronting 91 and 93 High Street (Coral and Holland & Barrett) Display of an internally illuminated digital LED screen to both sides of the proposed free standing InLink 18-10-18
10741/APP/2018/3691 (Appeal 8793) King Edwards Road Clinic,  19 King Edwards Road Raising of roof to create habitable roof space and change of use from surgery (Use Class D1) to a mixed use comprising surgery and 1 x 1 and 1 x 2 bed self-contained flats (Use Class D1/C3) . 08-03-19
74247/ADV/2018/69 Appeal 8818) 83 High Street (Co-op) Installation of 1 x internally illuminated fascia sign, 1 x internally illuminated projector sign and 1 x non illuminated wall mounted sign 31-01-19
57788/APP/2018/4056 (Appeal 8810) 106 High Street (previously Greggs) Change of use from Use Class A1 (Retail) to mixed use Class A1/D2 (Yoga Studio) 28-03-19
70106/APP/2019/94 (Appeal 8811) 9 Ickenham Road Single storey rear extension to existing shop and creation of first floor to create a studio flat 29-03-19
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