This is my monthly update for July, covering planning matters in the Conservation Areas and Areas of Special Local Character within Ruislip.
1. New Planning Applications and Appeals.
New Planning Applications reported on LBH website:
- 70133/APP/2018/2269. 130 High Street (Council Offices). Addition of a third floor to create 1 x 1-bed and 1 x 2-bed self-contained flats with associated amenity space.
- 63191/APP/2018/2421. Footpath fronting 91 and 93 High Street (Coral and Holland & Barrett). Removal of one (1) existing BT payphone and the erection of one (1) freestanding InLink providing free ultrafast WiFi and other community services and with excess space returned to the community.
- 45467/APP/2018/2424. 5-7 Kingsend. Details pursuant to discharge conditions No. 9 (Soil Testing) of planning permission Ref: 45467/APP/2016/3680 dated 20/12/2017.
- 68118/APP/2018/2472 16 Manor Road. Single storey rear extension, single storey side extension and conversion of roof-space to habitable use to include 2 rear dormers and 2 x front roof-lights.
- 55403/APP/2018/2545 4A Poplars Close. Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission Ref: 55403/APP/2018/281 dated 26/01/2018 to allow for changes to roof and addition of 2 x roof lights, and raising of floor level (Single storey rear extension involving demolition of existing conservatory.)
- 58333/APP/2018/2668 2 The Oaks. Single storey side/rear extension involving demolition of existing single storey side extension.
New Appeals:
- 4650/APP/2018/1479 (Appeal 8583) 51 Ickenham Road. First floor rear extension and extension to the roof to create additional habitable space.
2. New decisions taken on Planning Applications and Appeals
Planning Applications APPROVED:
- 61745/APP/2018/1458 61A Kingsend. Outbuilding to rear for use as storage/gym.
- 2101/ADV/2018/26 107 High Street (Nationwide). Installation of various illuminated and non-illuminated signs (Resubmission).
Planning Applications REFUSED:
- 23460/APP/2018/1725 40 Kingsend. Two storey rear extension and single storey side extension.
- 16587/APP/2018/1759 17 Manor Road. (First Floor flat) Single storey outbuilding to rear for use as a gym and additional windows to approved extension.
- 25113/APP/2018/1818 45 Pinn Way. Single storey rear extension, involving demolition of existing conservatory.
- 72223/APP/2018/1845 18 Manor Road. Single storey rear extension.
Planning Applications WITHDRAWN:
3. Other Planning Applications and Appeals with decision pending
- 14387/APP/2018/1385 & 1383 The Six Bells, Ducks Hill Road. Restoration of the Six Bells Public House, to include minor alterations to fittings internally and a new extension independent of the historic building to increase dining capacity (Application & Listed Building Consent).
- 28388/APP/2018/1303 178-182 High Street (RSPCA, previously Quilters). Change of use of part of ground floor from Use Class A1 (Shops) to Use Class A2 (Letting Office) including alterations to front and side elevations.
- 45467/APP/2018/1497 5 & 7 Kingsend. Details pursuant to conditions no. 3 (Materials), 4 (Landscape Scheme), 5 (Acoustic Screening) and 8 (Sound and Ventilation Scheme) of planning permission ref: 45467/APP/2016/3680.
- 45395/APP/2018/1391 43 Kingsend. Installation of vehicular crossover to front.
- 26631/APP/2018/1995 5 Kingsend. Installation of vehicular crossover to front.
- 73841/APP/2018/1946 7A King Edwards Road. Conversion of roofspace to habitable use to include a rear dormer and 4 x side rooflights.
- 3384/APP/2018/2060 21 Church Avenue. Single storey side extension, alterations to fenestration and installation of vehicular crossover to front involving demolition of existing detached garage.
- 73872/APP/2018/2086 164-168 High Street (Ruislip Mobile, Fashion Tree, Subway). Replacement of existing windows to front and rear elevations.
- 53974/APP/2018/1380 101 & 103 Manor Way. Single storey rear extension, alterations to elevations and change of use from use class A1 to use class B1(a).
Other Current Appeals:
- ENF/1022/15/ (Appeal 8559) 16-18 Kingsend. Development not built to plan.
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