Archive | Planning

Q10 – Infrastructure to support additional residents – Barn Hotel special meeting questions

Written answer Given the potential impact of the development on local infrastructure, such as schools and utilities, what discussions have been held with relevant authorities, and what measures will the developer implement to ensure that the project is adequately supported by existing infrastructure and that any necessary improvements are made? Please refer to our Infrastructure […]

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Q9 Environment & Flooding – Barn Hotel special meeting questions

Written answer What measures will the developer implement to mitigate the risks of negative environmental impacts of the development, particularly in terms of flooding and biodiversity, and how will they ensure that the project contributes positively to the local environment? The Sustainable Drainage System design (SuDs) has been sized to accommodate a 1 in 100 […]

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Q8 – Affordable housing – Barn Hotel special meeting questions

Written answer How has the developer addressed their obligation to ensure that the project contributes to local housing needs, particularly for key workers and with respect to affordable housing? Extract from Planning Statement section 7 The application proposals have been viability tested to assess the level of planning obligations the scheme can reasonably sustain, […]

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